Little Bouquet Children's Home is in need of a new vehicle. The Home's current vehicle is now beyond the point of repair, and it is crucial that they have a reliable vehicle. It is a necessity for daily needs as well as transportation for a child to a medical facility in the event of an emergency. Emergency assistance in our orphanage's location is difficult and we need to replace the truck as soon as possible.
We have the opportunity to replace the 2000 Toyota Tundra truck with a far better vehicle - a 2012 Nissan Frontier 4X4 Pro. The vehicle cost will be $18,000. Any donation given will go directly toward the purchase of the truck.
Donations by credit card can be made on our website or by phone. Cheques can be made payable to GCMF and mailed to our office. An official donation receipt for income tax purposes will be issued at the end of the year. Receipt of payment will be issued upon request.
Thank you for your generous donation toward the purchase of our new truck. Together we are making a difference in a child's life!
Little Bouquet's new vehicle
2012 Nissan frontier 4X4 pro

GCMF Canada has built and maintains a children's home in Haiti.
Our mission is to provide a home that nurtures children with consistent quality of care for a stronger generation tomorrow.
You won’t find sad faces around this place!
That’s because our family receives
the love and care they need.

Birthday: June 30, 2004

Birthday: Oct. 15, 2006

Birthday: Feb. 21, 2003

Birthday: Mar. 23, 1998

Birthday: Oct. 12, 2004

Birthday: 2012

Birthday: Apr. 15, 2010

Birthday:Sept. 2, 2000

Born Apr.11, 2005

Birthday: Apr. 2, 2008

Born Jul. 15, 2005

Birthday: Feb. 1, 2007

Birthday: Dec.17, 1998

Birthday: Jan. 4, 2008

Birthday: Jan.18, 2010

Birthday: Mar. 23, 2005

Birthday: May 24, 2008

Birthday: Jan. 5, 2005
In Haiti you are guaranteed plenty of new sights and sounds, language and love, work and worship, delightful cuisine and sunshine. The harsh realities of life are softened by the natural beauty of the island. Considering the severe hardships Haiti has undergone, you will meet some of the friendliest people and you will go away with lasting friendships.
Our Home is located on a beautiful piece of fertile land, near Croix des Bouquets, just outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Wesly and Jusna François
Wesly and Jusna François, the Directors and Caretakers of the Home, began their life-long journey of helping children with the adoption of a nephew. Second, they adopted a deaf and mute boy. Today, they have two of their own children along with sixteen others. Despite the difficult lifestyle Haiti offers, they push through the daily challenges with purpose and vision for children to have a more renowned future.
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Our home currently houses 18 children, 5 adult workers and one dog! We are thankful for our solar-powered system that supplies electricity. A diesel generator feeds water up into our reservoir tanks which provide gravity-fed water to the home’s bathrooms, kitchen and outside laundry. One gas stove in the kitchen feeds our whopping crew three square meals a day!

How Can I Help?
Work with Our Committee
Join a Mission Trip
Pray for Our Home
Phone 519-942-8008